วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

EU give yellow card on seafood imports from Thailand!!

Thailand is among 18 country that have received yellow card

from European Union (EU).EU is the main destination for

Thai seafood exports.On Tuesday ,Brussels formally

 Informed the country its decision to issue Thailand

a ‘yellow card” due to inadequate action to end what

 the EU terms “illegal ,unreported and unregulated fishing”.


Thailand has given six months to enact a corrective tailor

made action plan or risk on EU trade ban.

Demand from Brussels include improvements on laws and

 requlations to copw with illegal fishing,a better montering

system for boats and measures to track down the souce of

seafood product.

The foreign Ministry said Thailand wad “deeply disappoint “

by the EU decision.


The Prime Minister ,Gen Prayut urged cooperation from the
 private sector to resolve the issues identified by EU and
warned illegal operation of the consequences.The government
 prompted to call an urgent  meeting of all agencies responsible
 for the lucrative sector.

After the meeting ,the official were directed to report back in
a month with a clear plan to correct the problem highlighted
 by Brussels.

The Agriculture and Agricultureral cooperatives Ministry
was assigned to work on an action p;an that will be forwarded
 to the cabinet in the next two weeks.


The problem occurred for a long time since 2005 and the
yellow card is estimated before,but Thailand still can not
solve the problem.

The yellow card ban will not have the impact on exporting seafood

products to EU or cancel the orders but if we can not solve
 the problem within 60 months,at that time Thailand will
receive a truly ban.If the ban effective ,there will not sure
the EUwill cancel the ban when.The government try to solve
 this problem promply and I hope they can solve it otherwise
we might lose the EU market to the competitive country and
 it will be  vulnerable the seafood export of Thailand.

Last year EU as the major exported food from Thailand

represent 145,907 tons ,value at 642 million Euro or about

22,470 million baht. So if we do not want to lose the market,

there should be cooporative among every parties involve

to solve the problem rapidly and effectively.


Hope for not to get the ban of seafood exports from EU.


วันพุธที่ 22 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

Focus on draft consideration with debate by the NRC this week!!

This week April 20-26,the National Reform Committee (NRC)

will debate the draft consideration section by section.The topic

that will debate relate on structural political which the important

topic is

1.None-elected outside prime minister will be allow.

for this point the NRC member advise that ,outside prime

minister is the way of democracy so there should be 2 steps.

First ,the prime minister must come from the representative.

Second ,if there is a crisis the prime minister can appoint

 from outside eiyh the support vote 2 of 3 to solve critical

with 1 year or 2 years.


2.The exercise of  MMp system like in Germany which

CDC committee set that there should be constitutional

 representative 250 persons and parties list 200 persons.

They believe that which this system there will not be only

 one party dominate others.

But the CDC members debate that the calculation of proportion

still confuse so there should be improvement in this point.

The use of “ open list” in the party list which give citizens

right  to vote party and vote individual representative too

will lead to eliminate capital group from the elwction.

But the two parties have the same believe that this will lead

 to the weakness of the parties.Which this point the NRC

 does not debate yet.


3.The representative may be not affiliated with any political

party but they can be under “group of politicians” .

The CDC believe this can make balance  in political field.

some of the Democrat Party believe that this will weaken

the party because individual may have different policy,

so they are not unity and this will draw backward the parties.


4.Senators come from appointment and indirect election.

In proportion of 123:77 ,the appointment senators come

 from choosing representative from 10 areas, select one

from each area and the citizens can elect the

 representative selected.

The authority  of the senetors will increase ,they have

 power to choose prime minister ,demotion the politicians,

investigate the behavior of the cabinet and can bring up

the act.

There is some opinion of the Democrat Parites ,he think

that all senetors must come from the election.


5.The National Equity and Ethic Commission which have

the authority to demotion politicians who have guilty with

 ethic and morality.With this point the CDC  suggest

that  if there is guilty with this person they should stop to do

their duty.And the Election Commission of Thailand can bring

their name to make public referendum that the should have to stop

their role for 5 years or not.


In my opinion,the first point which none-elcetion outside

prime minister I agree with the NRC opinion.

Second, the MMp system I think it is good to implement so that

in the party list it can be more effective to have the value

 politicaians  that people really nead and the point to eliminate

capital group can be meet also.

Third,I don’t think independent representive

will provide more good to political.I think if the

 party is strong enough ,it can complement policy



Forth,I agree with the proportion of 123 :77 indirected

election but I think for  77 senetors should select from

each province ,people should have the right to elect

with their own choice ,not the choice that the

 government  select first for them.


Fifth,I think it is a good idea to have the National Equity

and Ethic Commission so that the policians will have

more morality because if they do wrong ,the people

public will punish them and the procedure can be

flexible with each case.


Hope for best consideration to open the way to true democracy

and a better Thailand.





วันจันทร์ที่ 20 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

Do not fall in the trap of statistic!!

On April 17,Prime Minister Prayut  Chan-o-cha  presented

the outcome of 6 months of the cabinet.The Premier said

 that government administration will divide into 3 steps.

1.Reform the country.

2.Solve the overlap problem in short run and long run.

3.Solve the conflict in the society so that the country

can develop to the future.

The Prayut government  is different from former

 government in using the law strictly ,following roadmap

and does not want to stay in the position.Everything

depend on situation,if the draft constitution can pass

without conflict ,the election can be hold promptly.


In reforming country ,some country use 30-40 years

to success but now in Thailand we only at the beginning
and it is very lucky the foreign country understand.


If we follow the poll,Thai citizens are satify with government

from solving political conflicts.But the problem of this

 government  is that people earn one living due to the slow

growth of internal and world economic.


In the viewpoint for economic outcome ,the government

try to spend expenditure from government sector,stimulate

private investment  meanwhile they should solve export area

and the low price of agricultural goods.and there are sign of

economic recovery.


From economic statistic of the government we found that

the economic recovery  is in the macro economic,

but for micro economic,the problem of the poor can not

solve yet.There are still unfair income distribution with

causes social inequalities . If we can not solve this problem

the problem will still remain in Thai society which will

lead to many problems that ruin our country.So if we

 want a better economic,we should solve from micro

 economic also by solving the unfair income

 distribution first.


Hope for better economic that everyone can live happy life.

วันเสาร์ที่ 18 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

The CDC : Private sector to anti corruption!!

Collective Action Coalition of the Private Sector Againt

Corruption (CAC) is the coorperation of private sector in

Thailand to eliminate the corruption which compose of

8 organization.

1.The Thai Chamber of Commerce.

2.The Federation of Thai Industries.

3.The Thai Bangers Association.

4.The Foreign Chamber of Commerce.

5.Thai Listed Companies Association.

6.The Federal of Thai Capital Market.

7.Tourism Council of Thailand.

8.Thai Institute of Directors.(IOD)


To achieve the goal the anti-corruption must begin in every
 organization and every sector of the society.

As culture,Corporate  Social Responsibility (CSR) in the private

sector only do for conceal feeling the guilty in doing business,

but still avoid paying tax,pay bribe to politicians and civil servants.

There are 499 corporation join the CAC which 2 missions

1.Announce the policy to anti corruption.

2.Provide standard about doing transparency business which can

investigate with the government sector.


The aim of the CDC is to expand the transparency in business

to partner company and affiliate company.


In my viewpoint,the cooperation in CAC is good situation to

solve the corruption problem but before the participation,

each company  should set a standard for anti corruption

in each company to achieve before ,so that they might

not have conflict of interest when they join together.

Due to many cooperation join  ,the clear vision of the

CAC must be set together with the guide line of the

ethic and morality among others will lead every

cooperation to success.


The major problem in the corruption process is to buy

advantage  for the company which cause

 uncompetitiveness in the business and this is the important

point that must be eliminate from running business together

so that the environment will provide competitiveness situation

and will lead to least corrupton.

The coorperation of member of CAC including the

 improvement of the rule and process of government sector

will provide a good climate of competitiveness and a better



Hope for zero corruption.

วันศุกร์ที่ 17 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

Down trend interest rate with hope to stimulate economic!!

The economic still inactive situation.The government new

 projected growth rate is at 3.8 percent of GDP lower than

the beginning of the year at 4 per cent which the expected

growth rate of 0.8 per cent.

Finance Ministry Sommai Phasee has urged the Bank of

Thailand ‘s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) to reinforce

the down trend in interest rates by cutting the policy rate

future to help support weakening economic conditions.

The rate –setting committee is required to continue reducing

the benchmark interest rate.


The down trend cycle of local interst rate will stimulate

the export growth because of the baht depreciate.

The central bank must decide whether it appropriate

to lower the policy interest rate futher in the next meeting

on April 29.


The economic stimulate measure must be implemented

referring to the execution process for the fiscal and

monetary policies.

The Finance Ministry think that the MPC’s decision last

 month to cut the policy interest rate is not enough and

monetary policy should be eased future.


Export are the main pillar of the econmy that will stimulate

economic ,accounting for 70 per cent of GDP. There will be

the additional liquidity worth 40 billion baht into the Village

Fund Scheme for villages with good management that will

accelerated during the year’s dry season into the economic

system.The first 20 billion baht will drive fron loans,

which the government contributing the other 20 billion

which would boost GDP by estimated 0.15 perce3nt points.


In my opinion,if the interest rate is down at competitive

rate and the baht appreciated can earn it efford,the value

o export goods will increase and the external revenue

come to stimulate economic and investment in the country.

But make sure that it low to the level that does not have the

impact to the export goods  because with the high price

imports ,the cost of goods sold will rise and we can not

competitive in the world antmore.


The additional liquidity into the Village Fund Scheme

is a good idea to stimulate expendure and economic

growth.But the process must strickly do to make sure that

it use wtith the correct objective,make sure that there will

 not be corruption during the process before the poor citizens

can benefit from it.

If we want to help the poor ,we should help them stand on

their feet otherwise when they use the money in the wrong

 way( which usually happen because the poor has few

 knowledge and right information) it will lead them to more

debt with will be ruin them and the public economic in

the future.


Hope everyone can adapt well to every situation.

Best Wish.


วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 16 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

The NLA :The Demotion :The Act


The demotion of Yingluck Shinawatra from prime minister

is an excellent work of the National Legislstive Assembly

(NLA) .Another  demotion is about the president of the

 senator Mr Somsak Kiertsuranan and Mr Nikom

Waiyaratpanich ,the demotion of 38 senators in case of

modify the procedure of getting the senators.The result is

not unanimous vote so the three case was drop and no one

is demotion from the position.

There will be cases to be scrutinized on  April 23  2 cases

which is :

1.The demotion of 250 ex senators in case of modify the draft


2.The demotion of 5 ex- ministers in case of corruption in

rice pledging scheme.

My thought about the past case with is not unamimuos vote,

I feel very disappointed because the score is nearly,if the

number of  the NLA has unity ,I think the demotion could

exercised  and there will be one of the beginning case though

the clean political climate.

So which the case that will be scrutinize, I hope if the guilty

is clear in accordant with the unity in the NLA ,the demotion

can exercise so that we can see the good justice and efficiency

of the NLA.


Despite the case of demotion ,the NLA have important

authority to pass the act to be ruled.During eight months,

the NLA pass 110 acts .There will be the acts during scrutinize

180 acts which present bt the NCPO 21 acts,the cabinet 80 acts

and by the NLA 6 acts.

With I hope they will past with causion so that their might

not be the loophole for the politicians to corrupt and take

the benefit of the country to their own.


Hope for best judgemnet and the unity of the NLA.


วันพุธที่ 15 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

Zero Corruption,Sound Education and the Unity of the Nation!!

Brainstromimg power of citizens from every regional area of

Thailand during Jan17-March28,  10 period concluded that

Thai people want Zero Corruption,Sound Education and the

Unity of the Nation.

From the result ,it means that corruption is the main problem

of the country and the need of sound education mean that

Thai people want to develop from basic individual.While the

topic of the unity of the nation vary by area.


Alternative to desire future, is concluded that  the stratigies

is to :

1.With the need of zero corruption,there is alternative and

participation of citizens by

1.1                     Including citizens ,business and government sector to

the  community with support by law.

There should be men and women 50 : 50 and 60 per cent of

citizens to check and perception through the project.

1.2                     There should be a box to listen to the option of others,

 a unit to get a problem to investigate more.

The force of the law should be use by severe punnisment to

the people corrupt and if they are civil servant the punishment

should be adding more 10 times.


Money from corruption should send to the fund of community,

and the guilty must be publish to the public.

To promote the resistant to corruption ,press and media must
 provide good media to the children indirectly and create passion
and  conscious more.


2.For good education and reform of the education ,there are

alternative about law policy and education management by :

2.1 Education welfare from birth until die including non-

formal education.

2.2 Provide the system to select and develop teacher from and

with the community ,help and improve quality of teacher

career to the same level of others career.

2.3 Teacher must have independent to create the way to teach

and not to force by the evaluate system.

2.4 There must be  a good course for teaching which can apply

to career and ordinary life.


3.The Unity of the Nation ,there should be mechanism

from social and community by :

3.1 A seminar to get the idea from people in each area from

every level including the ethic and morality for the community.

There is an idea to set up a unity center by setting committee of

every province to coordinate with the community fair center ,

which support by the government and participation by citizens.


All the above idea was send to the Constitution Drafting
Committee (CDC) already including the appointment of
participation by citizens and criteria to prevent corruption.


In my viewpoint,the three grate topics with scrutinize from

the public opinion is the important topics the we must go in

deep and set strategies to make it complement in real.

Zero Corruption Sound Education and the Unity of Thailand

are the ideal ,challenge tropic that will lead Thailand to least

social division ,a better political climate,a true democracy

and a better Thailand,I hope.


วันจันทร์ที่ 13 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

AIIB :The major Asian player in financing development

The Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) establishment

expect by the end of 2015,would enable China to do more

responsibility for global development.

China proposed the bank in 2013 to finance construction of

roads,ports and other infrastructure which the initial capital

at $50 billion (1.6 trillion baht) to get the bank start.

With some donation from other members set to increase

the size of the overall fund to more than $100 billion.

The bank is initial by Beijing to increase it influence in

global finance  and expand trade links.The bank dead line

for others country to join was at March,but still welcome

 after that.

 At the end of March 31,foundation country member of AIIB

are more than 40 countries,which is the success step.

Some see the AIIB attempts to erose  US and Japan influence

over institutions.Washington’s apposition is simply because

 the fear of AIIB will has impact on the World bank and ADB.

Mr.Obama and his underlings have chosen to agrue there might

be corruption or Chaina might use the AIIB to help its own

diplomatic goal.The United State and Japan are cautious

about participation in the AIIB due to concerns over the

transparency of the operation.


The AIIB goal is becoming the major Asian player in
financing development in emerging nations.
 China promise to make the rule  of international community
 and will not bully other members , but work together with them
 and try to reach consensus in all decision without brandishing
without brandishing  the majority shareholder status.


Establishment of AIIB will be the beginning point to

change the world financial system.AIIB would

complement with other institution such as the ADB,

 the Manila –based multinational lender  dominate by

 Japan and the United States.

The World Bank,the Asian Development Bank and

the AIIB should consider themselves as complementary

to each other but a bit of competition on one project or

another is an adventage to increase efficiency.


The developing country in Asia would receive the bulk

 of loans for infrastructure project,which could be

co-provides with commercial banks and pension funds.

Non-Asian country would also only hold 25 per cent of

the AIIB ‘s shareholding,lower than their stakes at

the founding of the ADB.


Many country join the AIIB because Asian country need source

of fund to invest in infrastructure.The AIIB is the international
 organization with wide open to shareholder,management and

loans so that many can join.The AIIB will strongly stimulate
 expenditure in Asian country for the citizens.

Asia country will have more roll in world financial economic.

but in the short run,the power will remain stay with the World

Bank and ADB because they are specialized in the business for

a long time before.In the long run who will have significant role

 depend on their role nowsaday.If they want the economic to
 support and benefit each other ,the World Bank,ADB and
AIIB should not compele each others but should coordinate
to get more efficiency and more benefit to every country
 in the world.