วันศุกร์ที่ 3 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

Yingluk play more role to back Thaksin power!!

Yingluk Shinawatra was the first female prime minister and also

the first politians who was deprived from the postion and was

prohibit from the election for 5 years.Since the National

Legislative Assembly (NLA) voted her out on Jnauary 23 ,2015,

she had a little movement.On  March 19,the Supreme Court’s

Criminal Division for Holder of Position made a decision for

a first trial on rice pledging scheme.She and her lawyers team

announced to the press that,she will defend the corruption case.

You can read more in “When the lawyers fight for Yingluk

corruption on rice pledging scheme”

And at this time she had more movement,back to Mach 23,

she went to the Greenfield FC football field to kick off the

football match and also interview with the foreign press.

On March 27,she went to meet her fanclub and ate rice and curry

 and the tradition coffee at Nang Leng market.At the same day

she went to the National Book Fair the 43 rd at Gueen Sirikit

National Convention to promote her book ‘Yingluk Shinawatra

the first female Prime Minister of Thailand” and ‘Think like

Yingluk” (Oh I do not want anyone to think like her..LOL)


There are also more frequency movement on her facebook

page too, Facebook : Yingluk Shinawatra,the day the court

accepted her case,she wrote that she is honest on doing her

duty as a prime minister and want the court to judge fairly.

She also defended Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-o-cha

about human trafflicking that she continuously solving it

during her position.


To tell the truth, I do not hate her personally because she

is only a Thai woman in my perspective.Everything she does,

she try to serve Thaksin and keep the power to Shinawatra.

During her position she did not do it by herself,everyone who

interested in politics know that.She received order and policy

 from Thaksin including rice pledging scheme.

Graduated Thai citizens who can use internet and rapidly

access right information know that her capability does not

meet the qualification of the prime minister position.

However I think that she try to do her best,still I also very

disappointed when million of whistle blow protesters came

on the street but she insisted not to resign,although she

 resigned at the last because she had no choiced.


At this time ,the martial law was lifted,Thailand is under

Section 44 of the interim constitution 2014.The situation is

normal as it before and there will be a new election at late

February or at the beginning of March next year.Politicains

have movement  ,the movement come from both parties

 and member of the parties.


The Ex-Prime Minister Yingluk also play her role too,

she take time benefit during the period before judgement

from the court on her corruption on rice pledging scheme,

the time period is about one year.All  know that she want

to keep the power of Pheu Thai Party to dominate politics

in Thailand,and to serve her brother,Thaksin,the fugitive

Prime Minister.


As Thailand suffered a lot from corruption on rice pledging

scheme,who want her and the Pheu Thai Party which back

by Thaksin to be the government again,I suspect.


The only hope is from the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division

for Holder of Political to find and judge her on her guilty to stop

her and Thaksin to ruin economic and the unity of Thailand again.


Hope for best justice from the court and the unity for Thailand.



