วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

Absolve or Amnestry bill alternative to reconcile sociability in Thailand!!

Critical of Thai society began in 2010 by Red-shirts in

the event of burning commercial area in Bangkok

 expecially at Central World Plaza,

led to new government which Phue Thai Party won

the election and Ms.Yingluck Shinawatra was first femal

prime minister but this can not solve the controversies in


There are many corruption in every projects,the worst case

is in rice pledge programme with estimated damage of

more than 500 billiant baht to 700 billiant baht.


Critical of Thai political crisis began again in

 November 2013,organized by the People’s Demoncratic

Reform Committee (PDRC),a political pressue group set

by former Democrat Party MP Suthep Thaugsuban

 suppoered by large amount of Thai protesters.


The result led to the removal of the incumbent prime mininter

Yingluck Shinawatra. A coup seize the power and

 establishment of a military junta led to new cabinet which

General Prayuth Chan-o-cha as a new prime minister.


Gen Prayuth try to reform Thaialnd and reconcile sociability

in Thaialnd.Reconcilation of Thai social will be on the

alternative of Absolve or Amnetry bill.


Objective of  both absolve and amnestry bill are to rule that

the guilty that happened are no more guilty.

The different between absolve and amnesty bill


1.The king has an authority to give absolve.

2.The criminal was in jail,the justice was finish.

3.All rights lost from guilty will not give back.

4.There is someone to ask for absolve so that the King

can use his authority.

5.Give some excuse or give all.

Amnestry bill

1.The amnestry bill is an authority of parliament.

2.The justice is in process,the criminal is not in jail.

3.All guilty are clear ,all rgihts are give back.

4.Need no one to ask for amnestry bill but the pariliament

can use his authority.

5.Excuse all guilty.


According to the fact that there are four parties who

involved in the guilty and controversies,first politians,

second government officer, third leader in politicial,

and forth citizens.


What to be think is in three areas.

1.Which is better between absolve and amnestry bill.

2.Who is to be absolved or give amnestry.

3.Which guilties are to be absolved and amnestry.


In my view we should choose to use amnestry bill

because this can do by the parliament another reason

is that the King should not work hard anymore.


Second,who should not receive amnestry are politicians,

upper level of government officer and politicail leaders

because these persons had conflict of interest in their roll.

We should aim amnestry bill to lover government officer

because these persons did it on their duty not by intention

to receive benefit.And give amnestry to Thai citizens who

are the protesters because they did it on ideology to protect

our country from being ruin by large amount of corruption

and malfeasance for holder of Political Position by

 Ms.Yingluck and her cabinet.


Third, the framework of guilty to give amnestry is from

participating in street protest only.

No amnestry should give to person that involve in

 corruption process.


Last of all as best wish to all Thai citizens I wish that

in the future the controversies will be solved and we can live

 together with peace again.

Welcome Thailand land of smile!!.





