วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

May you guess Ms.Yingluck Shinawatra will stay or leaving Thailand!?

The first female ex-prime minister Yingluck indicted for criminal

malfeasance for holder of Political Position in Bankok on last

Tuesday at the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division.Then it will

announce on March19,2015 that the Supream Court will accept

The case for trial or not.

Before this Ms.Yingluck tried to fly to meet her fugitive brother

ex-prime minister Taksin Shinawatra aboard.But the military did

not allow Ms.Yingluck to leave the country before her course

case begins because if she does not return,the political

implications would be immuse.

Ms.Yingluck has no choice she must face the trial for two


The first one is her dereliction of duty to stop losses and

Corruption in the rice subsidy programme.If rule gilty,she could

go to jail for one to 10 years.

The second lawsuit is about government to government rice

deal with Chaina,which the National Anti-Corruption

Commission (NACC) found it did not exit. If she is found guilty

She may face harder jail term than her brother Mr.Thaksin.

Now may you guess Ms.Yingluck will stay or leaving Thailand?.

In my opinion she should face the trial and accept the

judgement  because if she run away, she will be a fugitive like

her brother who can not return to Thailand again.
So it’s sound to face the  judgement and accept it.
For that after this case pass away,
she will has a happy life in her hometown,Thailand again,

not only a fugitive aboard.

Last of all it’s about her own dicision but I think she does not

want to go in jail and will fly away to live as a fugitive

like her brother!




2 ความคิดเห็น:

  1. The Supreme Court has appointed nine decorated judges in this case. Each of them had superb background. She and her lawyers must be upset. However, I think it would be a while before she left the country. Let us guess how she disappear.

    1. If the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) truely strick with her I think the only she can escape is by travel by magic underground ,LOL.But I think this is the game between NCPO and she and we must wait to see what will happen,thanks for sharing your comment.
