วันศุกร์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

Will there be an election in Thailand at early 2016?

Present situation :

Red-Shirts and People’s Demonocratic Reform Committee

(PDRC) keep watching on government and each other in silent.

They do not agree with each other but can do nothing under

martial rule.However the activies still go on quietly,

sometime Red-Shirts threaten by giving their violence opinion.

While PDRC quietly pressure government on some situation.

Expecially on Ms.Yingluck Shinawatra ‘sguilty because

 they want her to be judge guilty from holding her position as

prime minister.


Roadmap to reform Thailand by Nation Council for

Peace and Order (NCPO)

First Period :

Reconcile controversies at central area and region –still on the flow.

Raise up Committes-complete.


Second Period :

 Raise up the Constitution of the Kingdom of

Raise up the Constition of The Kingdom of Thailand


Raise up National Legislative Assembly (NLA) and Cabinet-


Raise up National Reform Council –complete.

Raise up Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC)-complete.


The Cabinet, NLA,Committees and CDC are on their duty to

 reform Thailand now. If all reform and constition work out,

 these will lead to the time for an election.

Time frame of an election will be at early 2016 but till now

Noone can be sure that there will be an election at that

time because all controversies are not solve yet.


In my viewpoint if the corruption of rice pledge programme

can solve,Ms.Yingluck is found guilty.These will change the

future of Thai politics and major controversies will decline.

Why? Because there will be no more representation from

Shinawatra who strong enough to represent for the election.

Election at that period will lead Thailand into a better

situation whether it is at early 2016 or late than that.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

Understand Thailand under Martial Rule and General Prayuth Chan-o-cha as Prime minister!

Thai kingdoms and the late kingdom of Siam were under

 absolute rule of the Kings.However the democratic revolution

in 1932,led by westernize bureacrata and traditional-

orient military,the country officially became under a

 Constitutional Monarchy with a prime ministure as the head

 of government.


Since 1932 till 2015 Thailand has 61 cabinets which 29

prime ministers holding in position. There are 13 coups,

first in 1933 which only one year after the democratic

revolution in 1932.The 13 th coup happened on

May 22,2014 by General Prayuth-Chan-o-cha.

He seize the power from Phue Thai Party governmwnt.

After that Thailand rule by military junta call

National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) for three months.


On September 24,2014  King Bhumibol Adulyadej had behest

General Prayuth-Chan-o-cha as a prime ministure.He becomes

The 29th prime minister of Thailand.


In present  situation Thailand is under martial rule rule by

Gen Prayuth as chief of National Council for Peach and

Order (NCPO) and chief of cabinet.


What lead us to this was the controversies amomg Thai people

for their belief in politics and their politician leader.

There are two majority of people in Thailand,

Red-shirts who supporting Taksin regime and the street

 protesters call People’s Demononcratic Reform Committee

(PDRC) whose objective is to reform Thailand from corruption.


When PDRC on the street protest during November2013-

May 2014 to drive out  Ms.Yingluck Shinawatra from

prime minister,they did it with peace.They only on

street to do their activities to protect Thailand from ruin of

corruption.But there were a group of people made violence

to PDRC with many bombs,PDRC were wounded and this

led to Thai political crisis and politicail instability in



To solved the problem and made Thai people live in peace again,

General Prayuth seize the power and Thai people live in

martial rule from that time.

You may doubt how Thai people live now and how is the

present climate of Thailand.


Under martial rule curfew nationwide,banned political gatherings.

Arrested and detained politicians and anti-coup activists, impost

internest censorship and took control of the madia that make

violence in stability in Thailand. Listen again all ban activites

occur only in the activies which lead Thailand into politicial



How Thai people think about this present situation and martial

rule.To tell you the truth we live in normal life as we do before.

Thai people can go anywhere they want to go and do what they

would like to do.Thailand still beautiful and has many beautiful

places wait for tourists to join and have a joyful life here in

Thaialand. We wait for you lovely tourists,welcome to Thailand.


Absolve or Amnestry bill alternative to reconcile sociability in Thailand!!

Critical of Thai society began in 2010 by Red-shirts in

the event of burning commercial area in Bangkok

 expecially at Central World Plaza,

led to new government which Phue Thai Party won

the election and Ms.Yingluck Shinawatra was first femal

prime minister but this can not solve the controversies in


There are many corruption in every projects,the worst case

is in rice pledge programme with estimated damage of

more than 500 billiant baht to 700 billiant baht.


Critical of Thai political crisis began again in

 November 2013,organized by the People’s Demoncratic

Reform Committee (PDRC),a political pressue group set

by former Democrat Party MP Suthep Thaugsuban

 suppoered by large amount of Thai protesters.


The result led to the removal of the incumbent prime mininter

Yingluck Shinawatra. A coup seize the power and

 establishment of a military junta led to new cabinet which

General Prayuth Chan-o-cha as a new prime minister.


Gen Prayuth try to reform Thaialnd and reconcile sociability

in Thaialnd.Reconcilation of Thai social will be on the

alternative of Absolve or Amnetry bill.


Objective of  both absolve and amnestry bill are to rule that

the guilty that happened are no more guilty.

The different between absolve and amnesty bill


1.The king has an authority to give absolve.

2.The criminal was in jail,the justice was finish.

3.All rights lost from guilty will not give back.

4.There is someone to ask for absolve so that the King

can use his authority.

5.Give some excuse or give all.

Amnestry bill

1.The amnestry bill is an authority of parliament.

2.The justice is in process,the criminal is not in jail.

3.All guilty are clear ,all rgihts are give back.

4.Need no one to ask for amnestry bill but the pariliament

can use his authority.

5.Excuse all guilty.


According to the fact that there are four parties who

involved in the guilty and controversies,first politians,

second government officer, third leader in politicial,

and forth citizens.


What to be think is in three areas.

1.Which is better between absolve and amnestry bill.

2.Who is to be absolved or give amnestry.

3.Which guilties are to be absolved and amnestry.


In my view we should choose to use amnestry bill

because this can do by the parliament another reason

is that the King should not work hard anymore.


Second,who should not receive amnestry are politicians,

upper level of government officer and politicail leaders

because these persons had conflict of interest in their roll.

We should aim amnestry bill to lover government officer

because these persons did it on their duty not by intention

to receive benefit.And give amnestry to Thai citizens who

are the protesters because they did it on ideology to protect

our country from being ruin by large amount of corruption

and malfeasance for holder of Political Position by

 Ms.Yingluck and her cabinet.


Third, the framework of guilty to give amnestry is from

participating in street protest only.

No amnestry should give to person that involve in

 corruption process.


Last of all as best wish to all Thai citizens I wish that

in the future the controversies will be solved and we can live

 together with peace again.

Welcome Thailand land of smile!!.





วันพุธที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

Dhammakaya abbot Phra Dhammachayo is he gravest transgression of the rules!?

Dhammakayo Tradition is a Buddist Tradition found
in Thailand in 1970s.It is said to be the fastest-growing
Buddist movement in Present-day Thailand. Some of
Thai people trust the Dhammakaya but many are not.
However as Dhammakaya has a lot of money,property
and resourses led it to have power,relationship and
influence over some  area of social in Thailand.
During January Wat Phra Dhammakaya had big
relate event which cause traffic jam in Bangkok.
This led to many questions is it right or wrong for
Dhammakaya to do that,some said right,many said
wrong. After that the old issue was raised up again,
is Phra Dhammachayo dammakaya abbot gravest
transgression of the rules?
About this,Somdet Phra Nyanasamvara who was the
19th Supreme Patriarch of Thaialnd,which  the position
 was appointed in 1989 by King Bhumibol Adulyadej
and in the position for 24 years and died in October24,
2013 has five epistles since 1999 to annouce that Pra
Dhammachayo gravest transgress
of the rules. He is out the position after that but
the Supreme Sangha Council naming him as
dammakaya abbot again 2006 but with many
doubts of Thai people.
After the controversy about this for a long time ,it
broken down last January by big relate event of
Dhammakaya.But last Friday Thai people was chocked
because the Supreme Sangha Council ruling out to
back Phra Dhammachayo to be right to still the abbot
of Dhammakaya amid his lasted financial scandal.
And this led to many controversies among Thai people.
In my opinion Phra Dhammachayo gravest
transgression of rules since he was found guilty
and Somdet Phra Nyansamvara gave his epistle
about this. Wrong must be wrong because the
guilty had happened it can not cheat to be right

วันอังคารที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

Reform of Politics in Thailand : What to reform?

Before the coup which later had formed the carbinet led by
 General Prayut  Chan-o-cha  as prime minister of the country.
Thailand  has two major political parties ,Democrat and Pheu Thai
Party,and many of small parties say about 70 parties.

Phue Thai Party is the majority coality party of Thailand and has
strong supported by Red-shirts a political pressure group in
 Thailand,supporting the former prime minister Taksin and
 Yingluck Shinawatra.

Fact about Red-shirts : There are wide range of people
who are Red-shirts say Ph.D,middle class till farmer but
majority of Red-shirts are farmers who live in Isan region and
 agricultural stronghold region of North Thailand.

Another fact is about the election in Thailand,there is always
has the process of buying rights from eligible voter to overcome
the election to be a representive as member of the
House of Representatives.

This led to low quanlity of politicians and the process of elections
and cause many big problem in Thai social because the
representatives who bought right to win never do for the benefit
 of the country first.

But almost they do for their own benefit to repay money that they
 paid for the election.And this led to many big project corruption
 in Thailand.

You may confuse why some of Thai citizens sell their right,
the major reason is because they are poor and the second
 is they do not have the right information.
They receive information from leader of village and some
 informations are manipulated.

In my opinion to reform of Politics in Thailand,
we must solve two major cause :

First is the poverty of Thai citizens because if they have enough
money to survive,they will not need to sell their right.

Second is to give them the right information and knowledge to

analyze it. which can be achived by give them more
 good education.

Last of all I hope that all of the reforms will lead Thai society
to better situation and we can have reconciliation in our country.

วันจันทร์ที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

Reform of Thai education : What ‘s to reform?

Fact about Thai education :

Period learn              :   9  hours

Students/class           :   50 persons

Focus on                   :  Theory

How to learn            :  Write on what teacher teach

How about teacher  :  Don’t want to become a teacher


Raking of Thai education by Pearson PLC a British multinational

publishing and education company headquatered in London
in 2014.Thailand ranking is at 35 th which more better than
37 th in 2012.


Although ranking last year is better than before there’s still many
problem in Thai education major area in quality of teacher,
climate of classroom and content  of subject.


In order to reform Thai education we should improve in

1.Quality of  teacher  : by giving them fair wage so that this career
is one of the best choice to make living and they will love to
become a good teacher.

2.Climate of the classroom : let student be a child center
 not a teacher center so that they can learn more by
 practice not by listening.

3.Content of  subject : I think it should focus on reality that student

can practice and useful for life not memorize for the high grade but

irrelevant for real life.


To the world we can reform our education by sharing knowledge
and information systematically because knowledge
creat the world and it happen every minute.


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

May you guess Ms.Yingluck Shinawatra will stay or leaving Thailand!?

The first female ex-prime minister Yingluck indicted for criminal

malfeasance for holder of Political Position in Bankok on last

Tuesday at the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division.Then it will

announce on March19,2015 that the Supream Court will accept

The case for trial or not.

Before this Ms.Yingluck tried to fly to meet her fugitive brother

ex-prime minister Taksin Shinawatra aboard.But the military did

not allow Ms.Yingluck to leave the country before her course

case begins because if she does not return,the political

implications would be immuse.

Ms.Yingluck has no choice she must face the trial for two


The first one is her dereliction of duty to stop losses and

Corruption in the rice subsidy programme.If rule gilty,she could

go to jail for one to 10 years.

The second lawsuit is about government to government rice

deal with Chaina,which the National Anti-Corruption

Commission (NACC) found it did not exit. If she is found guilty

She may face harder jail term than her brother Mr.Thaksin.

Now may you guess Ms.Yingluck will stay or leaving Thailand?.

In my opinion she should face the trial and accept the

judgement  because if she run away, she will be a fugitive like

her brother who can not return to Thailand again.
So it’s sound to face the  judgement and accept it.
For that after this case pass away,
she will has a happy life in her hometown,Thailand again,

not only a fugitive aboard.

Last of all it’s about her own dicision but I think she does not

want to go in jail and will fly away to live as a fugitive

like her brother!




วันเสาร์ที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

Future of Thailand Fact : Opinion!

Coup on 22 May 2014 in Thailand is the 13 th since 1932,led by General Prayuth Chan–o-cha and established a junta call the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) to govern the nation.Later the NCPO established a military dominated nation legislature which voted General Prayuth as a new prime minister of the country.

The cabinet led by Gen Prayut try to improve Thailand to a better position and environment ,major in area of economics,social,
anti-corruption,amnestry law and reconciliation.

The large amount of corruption from the former government is in the rice subsidy programme for estimated damage of more than 500 billiant baht from the rice pledging scheme.

At this time the NACC  has already field a lawsuit with the office of the Attorney-General accusing Ms.Yingluck Shinawatra (the ousted prime minister) of dereliction of duty to stop losses and corruption in the rice subsidy programme.

The office of Attorney General file written crimal charges againt Ms.Yingluck at the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for holders of Political Position in Bangkok on Tuesday (Feb 19,2015)

There’s a poll by Bangkok University is it necessary that Gen Prayut should talk to Taksin Shinawatra the former prime minister who live aboard or not. The majority of Thai people or 58.6    %  said it should not and I agree with this.

And it was necessary for Gen Prayut to mediate talks between conflicting political parties as well as between the United Front for Domocracy againt Dictatorship and the people’s Democratic Reform Committee in order to achieve reconciliation.

In my opinion the future of Thailand depend upon the outcome of The Supreme Court’s Criminal Division to juge  the former prime minister Yingluck of dereliction of duty to stop losses and corruption in the rice subsidy programme. And how Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha lead his cabinet to serve all propost to the future of Thailand.