วันอังคารที่ 31 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

When the two parties have the same opinions!!

Every military coup lead to drafting a new constitution.

The cycle has been repeated again and again which the

believe that it is a recipe to the true democracy.

You can read about the  evil cycle in Thailand

in my article “Sustainable Development will servive

critical in Thailand”


The draft charter is to be finished and send to the National

Reform Committee (NRC) to scrutinize on April 20-26.

On May 23-26, the Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC)

will review it again from section1-315 by scrutinizing ideas

from every parties together  and will be send to the CDC to

make a final decision whether they will except the charter

or not on Augest 6.


So the time period is closed around but there are many

complain from the Pheu Thai and Democrat parties, and

it is amazing time that the two parties have the same opinions.

They agreed that the charter will harm the two parties and the

charter does not  seem to address the political conflicts.

The critical issues are :

1.Number of MPs which will cut from 500  to between 450-470

 under the MMp system.

2.None- elected outsider prime minister wiil be allow to be

appointed in crisis situation.

3.The bargaining power of small parties against two big parties

will be more.

4.All 200 senetors will come from appointment.

5.The national Equity and Ethic Commission is expected

to be formed with controversies that these parties are the

successor of the NRC and NLA.

You can read more in “Conflict of interest of the new coming Constitution”

And in the article “Is the draft charter fit for democracy and

the next election in Thailand”


As the two parties are players in the political games,they have

direct conflict of interest so their opinions can listen to but

the decision about the new constitution should come from

every parties including public opinions to make a sustainable


The opinions from the two parties should not dominated

Thai people it should use only as one source of public opinions

because they are not the owner of the country.


And referendum for the new consideration is need to make

sure that it is accept by the majority of Thai citizens.

You can read more in “Referendum the draft charter

for the true democracy”



As of the CDC plan if there is no referendum the new election

will be hold on the end of February or at the beginning of

March 2016.But if the cabinet make the decision to referendum,

the time period for the new election will be extend about three

months to June 2016.


In my viewpoint, as we wait for the true democracy,and we

 do not want the cycle of coup again, the time period of

three month is very short period ,it worth for waiting to

get rid of the conflicts and give every Thai citizens to

use their rights to make the beginning step of the true

democracy in the long run.


Hope for complete constitution that everyone accept

which lead to true democracy.

When the lawyers team fight for Yingluk corruption on rice pledging scheme!!

On May 19,the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Holder

of  Political Positions wiil make a first trial on Yingluk

corruption on rice pledging scheme.

The lawyers team will bring up the defend that rice pledging

scheme is only a public policy.They plan to fight that

 government public policy is only the policy that government

make a statement  to the parliament so that it can not be

 accused to the political party.


Three major topics which were attacked the rice pledging

scheme and lead to the proceeding including demotion

Yingluk Shinawatra from the prime minister and sent the

case to the Supreme Court are :

1.The hugh budget used and lost from the scheme which cause

debt obligation carry to the next generation more than 30 years.

2.Not stopping rice pledging scheme when found many
corruptions which cause hugh amount of loss to the nation
 although many  parties try to warn.

3.The rice pledging scheme caused adversity to many farmers,

the poor farmers more than 16 persons suicided.


The layers team plan to fight againt the three major topics already

in conclude they think :

1.It likes attack verbally stereotype in policy level and operational

level.It should be clearly separate either it was a government

responsibily or it is a project administration resolving.

2.About hugh lost 680 billion baht from rice pledging scheme

but  the Ex Prime Minister Yingluk did not stop the scheme,

the lawyers team said that the indictment is from the mind

of the thinker,who want to provide the image that Thailand

are ruin.

2.1 Which higher price in the scheme more than the market,

the lawyers team believe that the marginal price was sent

directely to the account of the farmer.

2.2 About the rice depriciation,the lawyers team thought

that the owner of the warehouse must responsible for it

not the government.

2.3 Corruptions all process of the beginning water source,

medium water source and the last water source were under

control,monitor and correct in every process.

3.About indictment that farmers sucieded from lost of the

scheme,the lawyers team will defend that it is because of

the People’s Democratic Reform Committee,not from

the failure of the government to manage the scheme.

4.The last ,the lawyers team want to ask the public that,

we must think about the favor of the farmers to society so

we must use public policy to help them.


In my viewpoint :

1.About the first defend, to meet the goal of rice pledging

scheme all level in the process must work cooperatively

including policy and operational to make a complete efficiency

and effectiveness goal so the thought that it should be clearly

separate either it was a government responsibility or it is a

project management resolving is wrong.Because the government

is the head of the project and should take full responsibility either

what happened.

2.About the hugh loss from the corruptions of rice pledging
 scheme, no one ever wanted it  to be true ,but the number
of loss have been calculated and it shocked all Thai people
that these debts will carry forward to the next generation for

30 years.If the lawyers team said that it is not ruin our

country,I think their logic must have a problem.

3.The defend about the sucieded of the farmers and push

the guilty to the PDRC,it is funny to me ,why the lawyers

team can think like that.Since the government rule the

country ,all business and affairs in the country the

government should be solve and control them.

But the facts are that Yingluk can not control anything

lead to many controversies,disorder and confusion in

the society. Combine with the fact is that ,the government

 had no budget from the rice pledging scheme to pay the

 farmers.The farmers who had so many debts but wait for

the money from the government to pay their rice can not
be survive and suicided themselves.

4.The last about the question of the lawyers team that we should

think about the favor of the farmer and must help them with

public policy.

I agree with these but I am not agree with the methods or ways

the lawyers team  think it is right to use to achieve it.

In my opinion,if we want to help anyone ,we must help them to

stand on their own feet and can be survive in the long run.

5.The last point from me if corruptions can do without any

guilty why do we should have the court and how can we

hope for social justice.


Hope for social justice and the best judge from the court to

make a unity Thais again.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Martial law to be lifted from Thailand soon!!

Prime Minister Prayut suggested on Friday that martial law,

which have been in effect since May 20 last year,would be

lifted and replaced by a new order issued under section 44

of the interim constitution,that give the military junta equally
 sweeping authority to deal with events as needed,although

 he did not specfy when this would occur.


Gen Prayut who is also the chairman of the National Council

for Peace and Order (NCPO) said that the decistion to lift

martial law was his own,there was no need to consult the

cabinet,the Prime Minister told a new conference after

cabinet meeting at the army recreation centre at Suanson

Pradipat in Hua Hin.


The end of martial law needs endorsement from His Majesty

The King.Then the NCPO will issue an order to exercise

its power through section 44 but when it will be enforced

depends on the situation.


Thailand is under pressure from international organization

including the United States and European Union to end

martial law as it gives power to authorities to try civilians

in military court,among other thing.


In my viewpoint,as there are call from international organization

and Thai citizens to lift the martial law and the situation in

 Thailand now is not violence,if Gen Prayut who always try

to do his best,make a decision to lift it, it is OK.


The fact is that martial law granted military authorities power

over civil authorities in security operations while section 44

would grant absolute power to the junta chief.

So the power is only transfer to Gen Prayut only.

For me martial law and under section 44 are the same but

under section 44 will be good for tourism industry for there

will not be a time limit.

If Gen Prayut can control his temper in the public,I think

it will be good for his image,for I believe that he is a good

spirit man ,so if the power transfer to him ,I am not worry.


To think in depth either martial law or under section 44,

The true person who will make final decision is Gen Prayut

so it is the same but if everyone feel better to lift the martial

 law,it should lift so that it will make better feeling and

 situation for Thailand.For it feel like we are more progress

 to serve for the new election and for the true democracy

 in the future.


Hope everyone feel free to live happily and be confident to the

leader and our country.



วันเสาร์ที่ 28 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Political conflicts and Social division

Thailand has been in a state of escalating conflict for the

past 10 years.The major conflicts are about political conflict

and social division.The root cause of political conflict and

social division over the past decade have been social

 injustice,economic desparties between the wealthy and

the poor,amd the corruptions.

The conflicts,like a vortex,have drawn all institutions,

organizations,political parties and people into

 controversies, no compromising anymore.

Differences have taken root,disrupted the unity of

the nation,people devided into colour-coded division

 That pit Thais againt Thais.The sequels have left

the nation inactive and unwilling situation.The AEC

will begin at the end of December this year,others asian
country set up good to penetrate the AEC’s market and
 how about Thailand if we still in conflicts.


In overall image the underlying root cause of the social and

and economic ills of the nation are disparity in income,

wealth distribution,corruption , opportunities and political

conflicts which lead to social division.


About political conflicts the sad truth are :

1.The recovering investment through prestige political

position and corruption at the worst is just a business

but use the nation expenses.

2.State funds on policies that could cause enormous national

fiscal or financial loss still need judicial review.

3.Citizens had only five or ten minutes to elected

their representative and then the rights end,the

representative can take their rights to do anything that

satisfy themselves in the House of Representative .


The sad truth about the rich and the poor which cause

social division are :

1.20 per cent of the wealthiest own 54 per cent of the

nation’s GDP while the bottom 20 per cent own

 only 4 per cent.

2.The bottom 60 per cent of the citizens share only

 25 per cent of GDP.

3. 10 per cent of the wealthiest citizens have 75 per cent

of the nation’s wealth.

4.While the others 90 per cent hold only 25 per cent.

according to Credit Suisse’s lastest numbers of global wealth.


To solve Political conflicts and Social division are integrate

parts so that we should :

1.Solve the colour-coded divisions that pit Thais againt Thais

by providing good education to all areas of the country so that

they can have knowledge to analyze informations and will

not be a stooge of politicians anymore.

2.Thai citizens should not treated as subject anymore,they should

know their rights and stand up for their right ,which hope that the

new consideration can provide these.

3.True and tried process of reconciliation are needed to solve

the controversies which can be accepted by every parties

and internationally.

4.Politicians must have ethics and morality to do for the

country benefit rather than their own.

5.Available state funds are necessary for the progressive

realization which provide equal opportunities to all


6.The most importance ,Thai citizens should try to understand

each other more ,communication and cooperative in the

community should be provided to least the social division.


Hope peace and unity can bring back to the nation

Best Wish

วันศุกร์ที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

World economic is fragile : How about Thai economic!?

World economic is recovery but still in fragile situation,

there are sign of risk to deflation which are not good to

economic. Since critical world economic in 2008,

economic of major industry country such as

 the United States,Europe and Japan are in receesion,

but overall world economic is satifiable growth,because

of growth in BRICS group especially in China.


After critical economic in 2008,China’s economic growth

is good according to intention to stimulate economic.

In stimulation economic growth in BRICS group,

it cause to high debt too.

BRICS group,especially China try to slow to stimulate

economic lead to economic slow down in BRICS group.

Meanwhile in major industry country,only the United State

has strongly economic recovery since last year so the

Federral Reserve stop stimulate economic by QE.And for

 this this year try to increase policy rate instead.

In overall recovery of world economic still fragile, especially

in Europe meanwhile slow down in BRICS group including



The analysts estimated that world economic will increase

3 per cent ,better than last year, but lower than everage

 Growth of 4 per cent before the world economic crisis

 in 2008.

Deflation is hard to solve because decreasing in price

 will beinside the projection.Household and business sectors

 will slow down the expenses ,expenditure and investment

 stop abruptly because consumer will wait for the lower price.


Thai  economic is an open economy,both in commerce

and investment.Economic indexes in January show that

Thai economic still slow down as the same as last year,

indicate that economic still not recovery.


In detail,consumer expenditure are stable, not in acceleration

 stage as the same as private investment, meanwhile

 government expenditure can not speed up as it should be.

In January export expenditure decrease 2.4 per cent,

credit loan in commercial bank slow down to 4.3 per cent.

Production in the country slow down,manufacturing

productivity index is in deficit 1.3 per cent meanwhile

productivity rate is at 60.9 , not better than the last two

month.Positive value is in tourism,amount of tourist

is increase 15.9 per cent.


On the other side we can see the slow down of economic

momentum from :

1.Import value decrease 14.8 per cent depending on lower

oil price.

2.Inflation rate is down trend,the general inflation rate is in

deficit  0.5 in Fabruary and 0.4 deficit in January meanwhile

core inflation (excluding oil and food) decrease to 1.45

per cent in February compare with 1.69 per cent at the end

of last year.


These number indicate that internal goods price are down trend,

expenses spending are weak.Source of fund transfer,the balance

of payments are little overbalance due to high amount

efflux of internation fund eventhough there are high

 amount of current account surplus.Efflux of international

fund due to the money bring out of business unit in the



Since 2008,Thai economic growth is about 3.2 per cent,

that  is low rate excluding year 2010 and 2012 economic

growth is about 7 per cent according to economic

 stimulation by the government meanwhile growth

 economic in the other year without stimulation

is about 1.2 per cent which is too low compare

with provincial economic.That is the problem of

Thai economic.


Slow growth economic in Thailand follow upon.

1.Impact from continuous slow growth lead to slow recovery.

2.Problem from structure of economic that make Thailand

in medium income trap.

3.People are not confident in stability of economic and politics

so delay investment and consumption


Recover from slow economic growth depend on.

1.Administrative efficiency in government sector in various

area such as

1.1                     Rapidly in the budget disbursement which will lead to

more investment and more consumption.

1.2                     Improve and investment in infrastructure will lead to

more investment and stimulate economic growth.

1.3                     Solve the low agricultural price so the farmers will

have more money to spend to the economic system.

1.4                     Solve the high cost of living ,people will have more

money to invest in other business area.

1.5                     Provide efficiency in tax system collection to get more

revenue to spend on government investment.

2. Solve political conflict to create social and economic

stability,there will be more investment from foreign

investors to stimulate more economic growth.And will

make more confident for consumers to spend their money.

3.Provide confident in economic in abstract so that people

will invest more and spend more.

4.Keep an eye on world economic,world maket and the

competitors so that we can rapidly change  ourself  to

competitivein the market ,can survive and can provide

more economic growth to the economic system.

With all above strategies I think we can get along well

with the period of economic slow down and can spead

more economic growth to Thai economy.


Hope everyone prepare ourselves well to get along with the

economic situation.

Best Wish.

วันพุธที่ 25 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Stop violence children from TV-Show and Internet!!

According to the study of TV-Show , 72 programs,

reported that  six of television station in total provide

game show,series,comedy series and cartoon in
 violence, sexual and rudely.

TV Show for children in childrenand early evening time
as of October 2014-January 2015

Station   Program   Sexual  Rudely  Violence   Gender Preudice

3 HD         11            4          5             5            2

7 HD         10           -           2             5             -

MCOT HD 13          3          7            10            7

Workpoint  14          2          3              4            3

8                  12         3          6              7            2

Mono29      12         2          1             10           -

Total           72       14        24             41         14

Note : Time for children is Monday-Friday 4-6 p.m.

           Saturday-Sunday 7-9 a.m and 4-6p.m.

The results show that :

41 programs show use sexual,and rudely programs

24 program shows provide sexual story

14 program shows provide gender preuduce

Besides these many programs and television station rating

are disparity to the rele of the National Broadcasting

Television and Communication (NBTC).


Meanwhile “Internet” new media in digital economy

provide contents that violence and not good for user.

From download popular website 430 web pages found that,

there is normal advertising and high risk advertising which:

Paul .A.Watters,Profession from Massey University survey

about high risk advertising to Thai society value,

the result found that user of violate copy right face

the risk of sexual industry,gamble,malware and scam.


6.26      per cent of popular violate copy right web site

 are mainstream advertising.

93.74 per cent is high risk advertising

and total of high risk advertising 62.22 per cent are

 sexual industry and 16.05 per cent are gamble.


From the violence of TV Programs Show and Internet

If children can not sort out what should do and what

should not ,copy,imitate and repeat must happen.

Those behaviors lead to many family,school,community

and society problem.

The NBTC who has direct authority to rule must stickly

investigate these programs without devoate from standard

according to personal relationship or capitalism to provide

ethic and morality to Thai society instead of violence.

In family and school which are the two most important units

that can create children to be good and valuable person

in family ,community and society must provide time and

class as useful as possible to all children they take care.

So that children can learn that what behaviors are for real

life and what are only in the series.

Thai society nowsaday look like in the series more and more

because children copy from them.

We as adults,guardian and teacher have duty to take care

our children closely to protect the problems.

Nobody want the problems and do their best ,I as mother

know it well but sometimes in the world with rapid

 communication in the internet,we can not avoid

problem.Meanwhile we must not loss hope,try to

do as much as we can to our lovely children.

So that they can be valuable men and women for

society in the future.


Hope for lovely children in Thai society

Best Wish