วันพุธที่ 18 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Thailand and Medium income country trap

After tom yum goong crisis in Thailand in 1997,medium

 and long run economic growth rate decrease over 2 per cent

meanwhile valued added from agricultural,industrial and

services sector do not change.

 Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI) indicate

 that ,according to compound rate growth ,if economic

growth rate is about 4-5 per cent /year  economic potential

of Thailand to be free from medium income trap is about

20 years.

Thailand is in late period of economic restructuring from

medium economic growth or in the period of slow growth

economic compare with developing beside this the country

faced with external factors such as world economic crisis,

internal factors such as aging society that could drag down



Based on a study for economic restructuring in other countries

found that  to be free from medium income country trap,

there are three ways :

1.Emphasize on developing by specializing in sevices sectors

such as the United States ,Japan and Republic of Chaina(Taiwan).

2.Restructuring economic by specialzing in industry with

 strong band which high value added to economic such as

South Korea ,strong band in Sumsung and LG.

3.Restructuring economic in many industrial area without

concentrating in a single area such as Spain.

Most of medium income country trap select to restrucing in

the third alternative and do not successful.


Low –medium –high income GDP/head

Low income                     GDP/head                 1,055 us$

Lower middle income      GDP/head                 1,036-4085   us$

Upper middle income       GDP/head                 4,086-12615 us$

High income                      GDP/head                =  > 12,616   us$


In 2011,the World Bank lift Thailand from lower middle income

to upper middle with GDP/head 5,779.0 between 2010-2014

Past decades in developing the country, Thailand had an

adventage of low labour cost but since economic change,

the country lose this adventage compare to neigberhood.

So the country has to develop with new strategies to boost

economic growth to high level.

Think of the three ways for economic restructuring,

I think we should emphasize on developing our country by

specializing in services sector support with pushing rapid

income growth by selective restructuring in industrial area

that make value added to the country.

We can countinous modify and change our strategies in

 harmony with global economic so that we can competitive

 in the market and reach the goal to high income country.



