วันจันทร์ที่ 2 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Truth of Democracy in Thailand

83 years of democracy since 1932,Thailand still under

struggle base on the fact that there are 13 coups which

average happened every six years (the shortest period is

in one yaer and the longest period is 11 years of the

elected government)


Major  reasons of the coup are the large amount of

corruption in big projects,bureaucracy and agricultural

subsidy programme which lead to economic and politicial

instability in Thailand.All coup happened peacefully,

Thai people accepted it because there are no other better

way to solve the problem according to the fact that Thai

governments never resign although citizens found that

there were corruption by the government.

Corruption and coup cause struggle in democracy

in Thailand.


Power  tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts

- Lord Baron Acton

This sentence is always true. To solve and prevent corruption

by government ,Thai people must elect good representive

so that they will do for the country benefit not corrupt for

their own benefit.


Why the election in Thailand still have bad quality of


Facts about behavior of Thai people that lead to many

problems including the election are :

1.Thai people have humility and they classify class in

society  and promote the ruling classes.

2.Thai people pesist in patronizing and believe in leader.

3.They rely on other,lack of confidence in themselves so

they do not have creativity and less argument.

4.They like to work as one man show lead to no group,

no development.

5.They do not like change,they insit in their way

so that they resist new technology,new idea.

6.Their values are object,rather than the mind,

Popular Thai society praised the people who have

money,have the power over someone who is very


7.They are unconscionable and do not have ideology

to improve Thai society.


Thai social must reform these bad attitude so that there

will have improvement in our society.

To reform our social we must accept that some area must

affect with bad and good outcome,but if the overall

outcome are best for our country we should accept it.


We must sacrifice our own benefit and do more for our


If we can reform ourself and change our attitude,these

will lead us through better perspective.We can elect

more good politicians into the parliament .

I believe that which more good politicians there will be less

corruption and they will do more for our country benefit.

This will lead to stability of government, there are no need

for coup and will lead to true and stability of democracy

in Thailand.

