วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Board of Education : Can this reform Thai education!!

Education Reform Committee of National Reform Committee

(NRC) and Thai Reform Institute (TRI)-Rangsit University

Provide a seminar and listen to public opinion about

reform of Thai education which important topic is about

 One opinion from expert of Rangsit University :

In Singpore, Koria and Finland ,their education based on

development of human resource meanwhile in Thailand,

Education does not emphasize on quality so it had  effect  to

administration because there will no development .

To solve the problem must reform about

1.Set education reform and human resource committee

to reform education law which now already put into the

new draft charter,including reform about old law to

resolve educational problem.

2.Lifting educational system both form internal and external

educational system to spread edcution all the country


Another opinion from expert of Rangsit University too

1.Both politicians and economic problem are come from

limitation in education of leader such as prime minister
(with in my opinion it is too violate to say this)

Monopoly economic limit the development of education

that he though they do not want children to become

clever (again this is too violate to think and say because

in my opinion everyone want everyone to be good at

something to help develop our country)

2.Ministry of Education and their civil servants are the key

problem of education because they only say not act,not

develop the education even though they graduated from


He indicated that to reform Thai education we must have

1 Educational Reform Committee like in Hong Kong that

work full time,have real authority with few directors say

about four person.

2 .Decentralize power in education to develop education,

solving the mafia problem in education service area.

He added that he did not hope to slove educational problem

in short run but hope to solve them in the long run.

By developing website to be easy to access,improve

quanlity of the teacher to high quality with up-to-date

knowledge rather than attachment with the old.


Expert from office of the Ombusman also give his

opinion to reform education :

1.Terminat educational service area because of the failure.

2.Develope technocrat system to create unique knowledge

rather than copy from abord (So funny in my opinion that

professional always do that ..LOL..)

3.Plan for lifetime learning ,born till die by develope

corporation from community.

4.Reform school and university not to be so commercial

but to serve everyone

5.Develope quality of teacher including instructional media

to the effectiveness

6.Provide standard evaluate which penalty to the school that

do not meet standard.

7.Develope analizing and research system ,begin from


He added that he did not believe that the outcome from

NRC could help to reform education owning to the fact

that success must come from corporation of  people ,if people

do not agree ,there will no success.And he did not sure about

the appropriate of Super Board.

He indicate that reform education must do by this government

because government from politicians can not do it well.


In my viewpoint,problem of Thai education is a long time

problem that participants always try to solve but not

success yet,still we must not give up

To provide Board of Education it is the same idea of

Super Board from the Premier Gen Prayuth,which

mean some new unit to be responsible for educational

reform.I agree and think it is good to have a board to

be responsible for it whatever the name they call.

But the new board that set must work full time which clear

authority so that they can do the work to reform education with

efficiency and effectiveness.And the committee of the board
should come from specialize,profession who know the problem in

education well with full spirit to do for the benefit of the country.

I believe in Thai educational system we have many good of

professional who willing to do their best for Thailand,but the

problem is about how to set these people to work together

without conflict.If everyone open their mind to each others,

we wiil be successful to reform our education.

Hope for unity to reform Thai education.

