วันอังคารที่ 3 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Sustainable Development will survive critical in Thailand!

The evil cycle in Thaialnd :


2.Tear down constitution

3.New constitution



Why coup?

Critical in politics and social according to the fact that

Thai politicians do for their own benefit more than for

country benefit and corruption till our country face ruin,

then no choice,these lead to coup to get exit of the

critical situations.


Can new constitution solve the problem?

If the new constitution is fair enough for overall benefit of

our country it may solve the problems.

Profound and credible constitution does not depend on

forms and innovation to draft it,what make it good and

successful is substance of it.


Sustainable Development is base on Triple Lines




Economic growth must accompany with good social.

We can not have a stable economic if our social still

in crutial time.And stability in economic accompany

 with good social will lead us to good and better


To make it all balance we must accept our duty to

sacrifice for public good,reform ourself and provide

continuous harmonious process.


Hope everyone do well all things

Have a wonferful day!

