วันอังคารที่ 31 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

When the two parties have the same opinions!!

Every military coup lead to drafting a new constitution.

The cycle has been repeated again and again which the

believe that it is a recipe to the true democracy.

You can read about the  evil cycle in Thailand

in my article “Sustainable Development will servive

critical in Thailand”


The draft charter is to be finished and send to the National

Reform Committee (NRC) to scrutinize on April 20-26.

On May 23-26, the Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC)

will review it again from section1-315 by scrutinizing ideas

from every parties together  and will be send to the CDC to

make a final decision whether they will except the charter

or not on Augest 6.


So the time period is closed around but there are many

complain from the Pheu Thai and Democrat parties, and

it is amazing time that the two parties have the same opinions.

They agreed that the charter will harm the two parties and the

charter does not  seem to address the political conflicts.

The critical issues are :

1.Number of MPs which will cut from 500  to between 450-470

 under the MMp system.

2.None- elected outsider prime minister wiil be allow to be

appointed in crisis situation.

3.The bargaining power of small parties against two big parties

will be more.

4.All 200 senetors will come from appointment.

5.The national Equity and Ethic Commission is expected

to be formed with controversies that these parties are the

successor of the NRC and NLA.

You can read more in “Conflict of interest of the new coming Constitution”

And in the article “Is the draft charter fit for democracy and

the next election in Thailand”


As the two parties are players in the political games,they have

direct conflict of interest so their opinions can listen to but

the decision about the new constitution should come from

every parties including public opinions to make a sustainable


The opinions from the two parties should not dominated

Thai people it should use only as one source of public opinions

because they are not the owner of the country.


And referendum for the new consideration is need to make

sure that it is accept by the majority of Thai citizens.

You can read more in “Referendum the draft charter

for the true democracy”



As of the CDC plan if there is no referendum the new election

will be hold on the end of February or at the beginning of

March 2016.But if the cabinet make the decision to referendum,

the time period for the new election will be extend about three

months to June 2016.


In my viewpoint, as we wait for the true democracy,and we

 do not want the cycle of coup again, the time period of

three month is very short period ,it worth for waiting to

get rid of the conflicts and give every Thai citizens to

use their rights to make the beginning step of the true

democracy in the long run.


Hope for complete constitution that everyone accept

which lead to true democracy.

