วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

How can Thailand servive from an unstable price of agricultural products?

Agriculture goods export make the highest value to Thai economy

from the past till nowadays.

Value of agriculture goods export 2014      (unit : million baht)

1.Natural rubber                             244,748

2.Rice and products                       191,228

3.Cassava and products                 113,726

Country export 2014                                  (unit : million baht)

1.The Republic of Chaina              263,980

2.Japan                                           158,828

3.The United States of America    121,791


Productions factors problem :

1.Many of  Thai farmers are not the owner of cultivated area now,

they sold it because of financial problem.

2.They do not have good watercontrol,plants grow by natural

rain so with much rain there will be more production and the

opposite side with no rain their production will be damaged.

3.Cost of productions are high because of interest rate from their

loan and they use too much pesticide which expensive price.

4.Quality of productions are not stability,in some season are good

and some reason are not because they do not control the process

of production and not improve the production process.


Export factors problem :

1.Price of agriculture goods from Thailand are not competitive

with competitor in world market.

2.Supply of agriculture goods are not match fot demand of world


3.Problem from trade barrier.

4.Problem from insufficient capital of farmer.


Thailand has a problem of low price of agriculture goods

for a long time, none of the government have sustainable

solutions. They solve the problem by set the subsidy programme

or use grant-in-aid to buy agriculture goods from farmer to

prevent low cost of the goods which was short run solutions

but can not solve problem in the long run.


Major reasons why price of agriculture goods are low

 because of :

1.Supply of agriculture goods are not match with demand,

many kinds of goods are too much meanwhile some goods

are less than demand.

2.Plans for production from agricultural government sector

are not match for the interesting of farmer.


How to solve problem in the long run?

We must solve both of production and export factors

problem by :

1.Provide the supply of good watercontrol throughout

every agricultural area as much as possible so that farmer

can have sufficient water to plant their products.

2.Promote the improvement of quality of productions

by providing the research that match demand of world

market  and this can lead to lower the cost of production

so they can competitive in the world market.

3.Remission on loan of farmer so that they can have

better financial situation,they can have enough capital

to invest in their production.And to the goal that they

can own cultivated land for planting of their own not

only  rent or even sell it if they have financial problem.

5.Use government to government procedure to sell more

of agriculture goods and make them decrease trade barrier.

6.Solve short run problem with subsidy programme

efficiently meanwhile try to creat long run plan and

direction that match demand of world market.

I think if we focus more on our  real problem in

our agriculture goods we can have the best solution

to slove the problem and we can survive in the world



