วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Is the draft charter fit for democracy and the next election in Thailand?

According to the draft charter,The Constitution Drafting

 Committee (CDC) wants half of new 200 seat senator to

 consist of :

1.Former high-level minister,President of the Nation Assembly,

President of Court judge 10 persons.

2.Civil service, Commander in Chief,Controller of the army,

Bureaucrats 10 persons.

3.Former  head of  Professional Organization 10 persons.

4.Self-select from Agricultural sector, Labour,Professional,

Community 50 persons.

The other half would be nominated by a screening committee

and chosen by “People Assembly” in every important fields

100 persons.

The senators will be in the position for six years and can not

be in continuous position.


Compare with last senators elections which happened on

 March 30,2014,it based on charter 2007,senstors composed of

 150 members.  77 Senators are directly elected from 77 provinces

of Thailand including Bangkok,while the other 73 are appointed

from various sectors by The Senate Selection Committee.

The senate is a non-partisan legislative chamber operates under

fixed terms of six years and can not be in continuous position.


The difference point between senate election base on charter

2007 and the new draft charter is, base on chareter 2007

senators come from election and appointment but the new draft

charter all senators come from appointment and this is the same

as charter 1997.

What to be think?

1.Will the new draft charter lead us to move to right direction

of democracy?

2.Can the new draft charter solves the controversies about

Politics in Thailand?


In my viewpoint, first, charter 2007 was raised up to solve

The problem of charter 1997 that appointment of senators

is not the right way to democracy but base on the new draft

charter, all of 200 senators will be appointed again.

It does not make-sense to solve the problem by moving

backward. I think if we are not in the proper situation of

election all the senators. The combination of election

and appointment are appropriate and if we want 200

senators we can allocate the proportion between

election and appointment.


Second, the new draft charter can not solve the controversies

about Politics in Thailand because senators appointment

will lead us to Bureacracy again.I think all Thai citizens want

democracy and we should find the way to reach that point.

If you think Thai people are not smart enough for democracy.

We can solve this problem by solving our education problem,

give them a sound education so that they can analize information

and make the right decision for the election.


