วันเสาร์ที่ 14 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Land tax delay while Budget deficits what will happen?

It is a little surprised to me to hear that Prime Minister Prayuth

Chan-o-cha will postpone the Land and Building tax by giving

the reason that it will effect financial situation of Thai people

due to the unstrong economic of the country.He denied that

 this postpone is not from many criticism and resistance from

Thai people.

The day I wrote the article “Land and Property tax the new

I absolutely believed that Primier Gen Prayuth will push

these taxes into effectiveness because I strongly believe

that  he has strongly intended to reform Thailand.

But “certainty is uncertainty” he indefinitely postponed

the taxes on last Thursday (March 12,2015).


As we know that Thailand had carried many loss from

rice pledging scheme and caused the deficit in the

government budget.

Approved annual expenditure budget of fiscal year 2015

is 2,575,500 million baht and the budget deficit is 250,000

million baht.With hugh amount of budget deficit the

government must find a way to fullfil the deficit and it can

not avoid to collect more taxes from Thai citizens because

taxes are the source of revenue of government.


If Land and Building tax are postponed, I believe that we

must face with the increasing in VAT which base on

consumption base and everybody in the tax system must

absorb it in equally amount despite of how wealty or

how poor of that person.

According to the fact that Land and Building tax are based

on property base,it principal is rich people must pay more

tax than the poor. If the new comimg Land and Building tax

rate are not appropriate enough why we are not adjust them

into a reasonable rate.

I believe that the government can calculate the optimize rate

that reasonable for the poor to pay least while the rich

must pay more.

If we avoid Land and Building tax we must face VAT

and it is out of the frying pan into the fire.


I hope that the government can find the best solution of the

new tax to implement which cause least effect to the poor

and medium class of Thai citizens who are the majority of

the country.And another question in my mind we all know

 that the rich people always avoid paying the full amount

of tax.If  we do not manage these in the right way it will

increase more economic disparities to the society and

will lead to a chain of many problems in the country.


I do not believe that the new government from the next

election can solve better solution to Thai society.Politicians

always do which what satisfied people to save the popularity

of their own.So the problem should be solve in this government.

I hope that with the earnest of Premier Gen Prayuth to

reform Thailand , he can lead to find the best way to solve tax

system and the deficit of budget and Thailand can has

sustainable economic in the long run.

