วันพุธที่ 17 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2558

Should there be legalize casinos in Thailand!?

The idea of legalize casinos first come from Thaksin

Shinawatra since he was Prime Minister.At that time

there was an estimated market value of legalize casinos

at about 9.10 trillion baht.Estimated illegal casinos are

 about 8.25 billion baht with more than 1.1 million

 places ,the most in the world.

Since the coup May 22,2014 all illegal casinos were

 forced by soldiers  to close but in my believe there

are still some places open.

On Monday, 12 NRC members dusted off the

controversial idea to legalize casinos,hoping that

income from legalizing casinos would boost state

coffer,generate income for the poor and help pay
for development projects.

Mr Thienchay Kiranandana,National Reform

 Council (NRC) chairman said Tuesday the proposal

is only personal idea and it has not been submitted to

the council .Some of the NRC members also strongly

do not  agree with the legalize casinos too.

This day Commissioner –General Somyot said he
support the idea of legalize casinos and will open
 web-site to get opinion from people.


In my opinion,I do not believe that legalize casinos will

solve or eliminate the illegal casinos because the

 customers are different group so the problems of illegal
casinos will still remain.

If the legalize casinos open ,there are also exactly the
following problems such as :

1.Decreasing in morality of the society which will lead
to criminal problems.
2.Family problems because gambler people will use time
and money for the gambling.
3.There will be launder from people who want
to use the loophole of the rule.

In my believe if we want revenue to develop

the projects and the country ,we should promote

more tourists to come to our country .Another is

provide the good climate for internal and external
investment from foreigner investors.


Hope Thailand will not be the new all vices place
in the world.


Best  Wish.

