lowest rank- Tiers 3 in its annual globle Trafficking in
Person (TIP) due to the lack and missing of important data.
Under the Premier Gen Prayut ‘s national agenda he
want human trafficking problem to solve efficienly
so he provide the process between state unit to solve it.
You can read more in “Human trafficking should solve
After March this year many of government ‘s action in
combating human trafficking become success.
There is discovery of Rohingya graves and detention
camps in South and arrested of suspects,including
a senior minitary officer.
The cut off date for TIP in reviewing human trafficking
was three months ago in March.This means it is possible
that Thailand could still remain at the lowest rank of Tier3
Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha hopes current effort
will move Thailand closer to international standard and
said the country will continue to do its best in dealing
human trafficking.The effort that had been done are passing
laws,building an intregeatd database across agencies and
focusing oncatching the main players.
The US embassy spokeman said that the embassy was
able to offer little relief on the cut-off date and hope
government will carry on with its fight.
The US valued Thailand as a partner and ally in fight
againt human trafficking and have supported small
grants to civil society organization and work with
international organization working on trafficking
In my viewpoint, our country make progress with
human trafficking problem because the effort that
push more to the problem and if we continue do
these I hope we can solve the problem in the future.
At this point I wish the TIP report should change
the range they rate Thailand to reflect the real
situation.Everyone can help the government to
solve the problem by giving information of
human trafficking to the government.If we can do
this the problem will be more effective to solve
Hope for cooperation from everyone to help solving
this impotant problem so that the world will be the
more beautiful place to live.
Sincerely Yours.