วันศุกร์ที่ 5 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2558

Thailand need Gen Prayut for 2 years more or not!!?

There are comments from some national reform councillors

that the Prayut  government should remain until national

 reform is achieved before the next election.

The Premier Gen Prayut said that ,if everyone wants him to

stay ,he will stay with legitimacy ,not with power.He said

that he does not get any benefit or want to prolong power,

he only want the nation to progress.

Gen Prayut said that ,if people want him to do the reform ,

they must find the way,he can not consider this by himself.

He said reform will cover the complete revamp of Agricultural

production and the creation of order in society,including

order on the streets and eradiation of encroachment on


Councillor Paiboon Nititawan said there should be a

 referendum to ask people if the country should spend two

years  finish its reform before the election.


In my opinion,Thailand need to reform the country to be

competitive in AEC and the world market.It will be better

 if reform is complete before the new election because I think

that the new election will not create any value to the country.

If the new election get done ,the Phue Thai Party will win the

majority of the election because this party is supported by

Red Shirts who are the majority of Thai people.The true fact

is that  the Ex- Fugitive Prime Minister  Thaksin Shinawatra

has the power over the Phue Thai Party.So I think all of the

conflict in Thailand will still remain or more if Thaksin has

the power over Thailand again.


I agree with the councillor that Thailand should reform

before the new election and to least the conflict there

should be a referendum to ask people.

I also believe that Gen Prayut  has no benefit if he prolong

to govern Thailand for two more years.

I only hope that his cabinet can support and implement

what is lead by him to be successful to reform Thailand.


Sincerely Yours.


