วันจันทร์ที่ 29 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2558

The truth about human rights in Thailand!!!

The United States released it annual human rights report

in Washington last Thursday.In its compemdium of

 reports of countries around the world,the US State

Department chronicles the sweeping changes imposed

by the military,detailing the numerous decrees severely

limitary civil liberties,including restriction on freedom

of speech,freedom of assembly,and freedom of the press.


In preface to the report,the Secretary of State,Mr John

Kerry placed Thailand alongside Chaina,Egypt,Iran,

Russia and Saudi Arabia as countries that were stifling

the development of civil society.

The report states no outright opinion or jugemnet,

in fact,in introducing the report,Mr John Kerry said

it was not intened to be “sanctimonious” as every

country,including the United States,had room for


The report notes that,since the coup,on May 22,

900 political leaders,academics and journalists have been

 temporily detained.At the same time ,the US noted the

 marked increase in lese majeste case brought under

Section 112 of the Criminal Code for defaming
 the monarchy.


A large percent of the report was dedicated to the continuing

 strife in the three Southermost provinces.

In the far South,”emergency decree provisions make it very
difficult to challenge a detention before a court”, the report

Police and military abuses got special attention,with the

report’s authors citing specific cases of alleged,torture,

including the case of two Myanmar men accused of the

murder and rape of two British backpackers on Koh Tao
in September.

The system for issuing arrest warrants was subject to

misuse by police as well as a judicial tendency to

approve automatically all requestes for warrants,
the State Department said.


The US also highlights numerous cases in which Thai

police allegedly use torture to coerce confessions and

took particular note of the near daily re-enactments

suspects are forced to perform in front of media and
the public.

Once criminal suspects pass through polices stations,

human rights problem continue,the US said in the report.


Finally ,the report makes special note of the increase

in prosecutions under the lese majestic law,noting

“international and domestic human right organization

and academics expression.The US said it was listing

human rights concerns even as nongovernment

organizations in Thailand have been impeded in

their efforts to address them under the junta.

Thailand certainly was not alone in being criticized

by the US report for human rights abuses,with Chaina,

Myanmar,Cuba and Iran targeted with more –pointed


In my viewpoint,

1.Freedom of speech ,we still have freedom of speech

 add that only make it does not make conflict more to

the society.

2.Freedeom of assembly,entertainment in community

 still can do but there is prohibit to gathering for

political activity.

3.Freedom of the press,we still can publish what we

think people should know only to avoid making more

controversial to harm the society.

4.About lese majestic is illegal in Thailand and everyone

must obey the law because the King is love by every

Thai people who love the country and want the unity

and progress to the country.

5.About the tortured by the police,there is still has done

by bad police but in my believe there are so many good

police s that doing well and want to stop this harm process.

6.About ,military abuses,infact soildiers provide many

good things to the country.In my believe there is no

military abuses in Thailand.They are always in

rule and if there is someone who doing wrong things,

he must found guilty and punish by the law.


Hope it is useful for everyone to understand Thailand
in the present situation more.

Sincerely Yours.


วันอังคารที่ 23 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2558

TIP report cut off date will make combating human trafficking won’t be counted!!?

Last year the United Stated downgraded Thailand to the

lowest rank- Tiers 3 in its annual globle Trafficking in

Person (TIP) due to the lack and missing of important data.

Under the Premier Gen Prayut ‘s national agenda he

 want human trafficking problem to solve efficienly

 so he provide the process between state unit to solve it.

You can read more in “Human trafficking should solve

After March this year many of government ‘s action in

combating human trafficking become success.

There is discovery of Rohingya graves and detention

 camps in South and arrested of suspects,including
 a senior minitary officer.

The cut off date for TIP in reviewing human trafficking

was three months ago in March.This means it is possible

 that Thailand could still remain at the lowest rank of Tier3


Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha hopes current effort

will move Thailand closer to international standard and

said the country will continue to do its best in dealing with

human trafficking.The effort that had been done are passing

laws,building an intregeatd database across agencies and

focusing oncatching the main players.


The US embassy spokeman said that the embassy was

able to offer little relief on the cut-off date and hope the

government will carry on with its fight.

The US valued Thailand as a partner and ally in fight

againt human trafficking and have supported small

 grants to civil society organization and work with

international organization working on trafficking


In my viewpoint, our country make progress with

human trafficking problem because the effort that

push more to the problem and if we continue do

these I hope we can solve the problem in the future.

At this point I wish the TIP report should change

the range they rate Thailand to reflect the real

situation.Everyone can help the government to

solve the problem by giving information of

human trafficking to the government.If we can do

this the problem will be more effective to solve


Hope for cooperation from everyone to help solving

this impotant problem so that the world will be the
more beautiful place to live.


Sincerely Yours.



วันพุธที่ 17 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2558

Should there be legalize casinos in Thailand!?

The idea of legalize casinos first come from Thaksin

Shinawatra since he was Prime Minister.At that time

there was an estimated market value of legalize casinos

at about 9.10 trillion baht.Estimated illegal casinos are

 about 8.25 billion baht with more than 1.1 million

 places ,the most in the world.

Since the coup May 22,2014 all illegal casinos were

 forced by soldiers  to close but in my believe there

are still some places open.

On Monday, 12 NRC members dusted off the

controversial idea to legalize casinos,hoping that

income from legalizing casinos would boost state

coffer,generate income for the poor and help pay
for development projects.

Mr Thienchay Kiranandana,National Reform

 Council (NRC) chairman said Tuesday the proposal

is only personal idea and it has not been submitted to

the council .Some of the NRC members also strongly

do not  agree with the legalize casinos too.

This day Commissioner –General Somyot said he
support the idea of legalize casinos and will open
 web-site to get opinion from people.


In my opinion,I do not believe that legalize casinos will

solve or eliminate the illegal casinos because the

 customers are different group so the problems of illegal
casinos will still remain.

If the legalize casinos open ,there are also exactly the
following problems such as :

1.Decreasing in morality of the society which will lead
to criminal problems.
2.Family problems because gambler people will use time
and money for the gambling.
3.There will be launder from people who want
to use the loophole of the rule.

In my believe if we want revenue to develop

the projects and the country ,we should promote

more tourists to come to our country .Another is

provide the good climate for internal and external
investment from foreigner investors.


Hope Thailand will not be the new all vices place
in the world.


Best  Wish.

วันอังคารที่ 16 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2558

What questions should ask for referendum the draft charter!?


According to the roadmap,the National Reform Council

(NRC) will decide whether they will accept the draft charter
 or not in September 4 ,and in my believe the draft charter
 will be accepted. The referendum will be done on
 January 10,2016.

The questions for the referendum will come from the NRC,

the National Legislative Assembly (NLA)  and the Cabinet.

The question from the NRC and the NLA must prove before
by the carbinet.

Acoording to the news ,the referendum will devide into

three forms and separate to count so with this process

I think the voters will face and answers many questions

which they understand well or not exactly understand

what the questions will lead they to the future.


In my viewpoint,to avoid making confustion to the voters

in the referendum process ,all the questions should be made

 in one form because Thai  people do not willing to read

much so it should be effective if the questions are more easy

and comfortable for the voters to fill the answer. If there are

confusion lead by the question or misunderstanding,the

referendum will fail and mean nothing.

The good questions must answer the question that we face

now whether it should reform before election or not.If the

reform before election should be made ,what Thai people

want the government to reform most and how can they

cooperate to help the reform.What is the believe of Thai

people about true democracy.The analysis of all the questions

from referendum will help more for reform the country.

Hope for better Thailand.
Sincerely Yours.

วันจันทร์ที่ 15 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2558

Reform Thailand need cooperation from everyone!!


Everyone know our country need to reform so it is our duty

to cooperate with the government to succeed the reform.

Long time problem of the country are the corruption,

Thai people do not obey the rule and always what is easy

to do the get benefit.

The social and nation problem are about human trafficking ,

the trespass of the conserved forest and the political conflict

which lead to the ununity and unfair in the society.

As we know we need to reform our country,and I do not

hope that the politicians will do this for the country so

reform before the new election is what I want to see and

 I support the Prayut government to govern the country

for two years more .

You can read more in “Thailand need Gen Prayut
for 2 years more or not!!?”


How can we help and cooperate each others and the

government to reform the country. As the problem of

Thai people is about we try to operate and get benefit

from the loophole of the law.So the process to get the

 law must be accurate enough and the value of ethics

and morality should be teach to the new generation of
the people for the hope of future.

Everyone know that success of reform come from the

countinous of the process and how sincerity among

each others so if all Thai people want to reform the

country I believe that we need cooperation and we

can succeed from reformimg our country.


Sincerely Yours.

วันศุกร์ที่ 12 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2558

Heavy rain in BKK warns On June 14 and 15!!!


 Bangkok governor Mr Sukhumbhan Paribatra said on

Friday that heavy rainfall is expected on June 14 and 15.

He believed the city can avoid a recurrence of the two

problem that hit Bangkok last Monday following the

pre-dawn downpour.

The governor planed that the city officials,police and

soldiers will work together and deal with sticken area

more quickly.

Bangkok has improved its flood management over

years,there is a new pumping station on nearby Nikhom

 Makkasan Road,which has been operating  since late
last year.

Meanwhile the city’s sewage system is inadequade

because it requires large sum of money and a long

period time to prepare even more than 10 years.

Interior Minister Anupong Paojinda said that the rubbish

management need to improve with cost 13 billion baht

and he asked people to help reduce their household waste.


In my viewpoint,if we want to solve the flooding problem in

Bangkok,coorperation from people is important .I noticed

that people do not care about rubbish management .

They diacard garbage into the river if they want to do,that

cause a problem in draining system.So the value of helping

 improvement and take care of the environment must be add

 to the education process of the children so that we can hope

for a better Bangkok in the future.

The system and suitable place to eliminate garbage should be

set and done so that the environment will be good for people

and it will be support to solve the flooding problem too.


Best Wish.

วันจันทร์ที่ 8 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2558

How to reform Thailand from the cycle of political evil??


I support the idea of reform the country before the next

election.Still there is a question that if we use two years

to reform ,how can we escape from the cycle of election

 and  coup which is the cycle in Thai democracy for 83

years since 1932.

Before answer this question ,we must accept the fact

 about the election in the country that democracy

mean nothing in Thailand because the process of  buy

the rights from the voters ruin the system of democracy.


If we want true democracy and stability of political

climate which will lead to least conflict in Thai society

and make the country more attractive for investment

from foreigner investors,we must eliminate  buying
process in the election.

It can not laugh when we know that this cycle is wrong

for a long time in political in our country and can not

solve  easy.So the two years of reform must use to slove

this problem too.


In my viewpoint,if the old politicians with the same old

value that the benefit of their own come before the benefit

of the country still play their roll ,nothing can  solve.

So we must create young men and women who are interest

in political career to the political field.

In the process of create new politicians we should add
ethic and morality into their mind to value the benefit
of the  country first.

In the process of reform education we should teach
 knowledge  to Thai citizens that if they sell their rights
the country will lose and when the country lose ,
people will lose more.

The reform before election will be successful or not

 depend on the cooperation of every party in the

country to least their own benefit and do more

for the country.

You can read the article about reform before the

new election in “Thailand need Gen Prayut 2 years
more or not!!?”


Sincerely Yours


Should the 300 baht wage be scrapped next year !!?

The 300 baht national minimum wage will take effect until

the end of this year,said Labour Ministry Permanent

 Secretary Nakhon Silpa-archa.

The old system where wages vary by each province based

on the cost of living will be use in 2016.

The provincial wage committees were asked to study and

propose the minimum wages ,to be considered at the

 national meeting in October.

A guideline for 2016 will also be used as a standard for
the following year.

The survey found that the cost of living of worker almost

doubled from 2013 so the Thai Labour Solidarity
Committee  proposed in late March that minimum wage
 be increase to 360 baht in 2016.

A wage committee consists of five representatives each

from employers,employees and the government.

Daily minimum wages in Asean (in baht)

Singapore                     2,000
Brunei                           1,800
Thailand                           300

Philippines                        300
Malaysia                            270
Indonesia                           230
Myanmar                           110

Vietnam                               95

Laos                                     80

Cambodia                             75

In my viewpoint ,if we analyze the daily minimum wages

in Asean,Thailand wages is equal to Philippines at 300
baht and higher than Malaysia, Indonesia 30 and 70 baht

respectively.Higher than Myanmar and Vietnam 3 equal,
and higher 4 equal of Laos and Cambodia.

So to be competitive with our neighbor the wages rate

at 300 baht is reasonable.Why I think it is reasonable,

because if anyone who use money with economize

can live with this rate and I can live if I have too.

In some province the cost of living is lower than others

 province and BKK so the system wages based on cost

of living can be used to lower the wages rate to be

competitive and more attractive to foreigner investors.


Hope for better conditions of investment to lead to better

living conditions of all Thai people.


Sincerely Yours.

วันศุกร์ที่ 5 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2558

Thailand need Gen Prayut for 2 years more or not!!?

There are comments from some national reform councillors

that the Prayut  government should remain until national

 reform is achieved before the next election.

The Premier Gen Prayut said that ,if everyone wants him to

stay ,he will stay with legitimacy ,not with power.He said

that he does not get any benefit or want to prolong power,

he only want the nation to progress.

Gen Prayut said that ,if people want him to do the reform ,

they must find the way,he can not consider this by himself.

He said reform will cover the complete revamp of Agricultural

production and the creation of order in society,including

order on the streets and eradiation of encroachment on


Councillor Paiboon Nititawan said there should be a

 referendum to ask people if the country should spend two

years  finish its reform before the election.


In my opinion,Thailand need to reform the country to be

competitive in AEC and the world market.It will be better

 if reform is complete before the new election because I think

that the new election will not create any value to the country.

If the new election get done ,the Phue Thai Party will win the

majority of the election because this party is supported by

Red Shirts who are the majority of Thai people.The true fact

is that  the Ex- Fugitive Prime Minister  Thaksin Shinawatra

has the power over the Phue Thai Party.So I think all of the

conflict in Thailand will still remain or more if Thaksin has

the power over Thailand again.


I agree with the councillor that Thailand should reform

before the new election and to least the conflict there

should be a referendum to ask people.

I also believe that Gen Prayut  has no benefit if he prolong

to govern Thailand for two more years.

I only hope that his cabinet can support and implement

what is lead by him to be successful to reform Thailand.


Sincerely Yours.