on the new National Reform Steering Assembly for fear they
can't run in the next election. (Post Today graphic)
Many Democrat Party members are unlikely to
join the
National Reform Steering Assembly (NRSA) out of concerns
they could be
barred from contesting the next election,
Democrat secretary-general Juti
Krairiksh says.
Several party members had expressed an
interest in working
on the new reform body, but are now having second thoughts
following reports they may be forced to take a political
break if they do, he
said Thursday.
was speaking a day after Democrat Party leader Abhisit
Vejjajiva said he would
allow party members to apply for
membership of the NRSA.
Even though there has not been a regulation
passed to require
NRSA members to take a break from politics, party members
have concerns that a regulation could be introduced in the new
charter, a
source said.
The current interim constitution requires
that members of the
defunct Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC), take a
two-year break from politics.
Before the defunct National Reform Council (NRC)
the draft charter, some former charter
drafters had proposed that all members of the NRC and the CDC and politically-related organisations installed following the May 22 coup should be
banned from politics for two years after their terms ended.
However, the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO)
rejected the proposal. The 200-member NRSA will replace
the NRC to push national reforms.
Meanwhile, Mr Abhisit criticised Deputy
Prime Minister
Wissanu Krea-ngam for suggesting that a mechanism similar
to the
crisis panel mooted for the old draft charter should be
resurrected for the new
charter draft.
The Democrat leader said the charter contents
should be
left to a new panel to devise, pointing out the crisis panel
He said any attempts to write it into the charter are likely to
stir up conflict and there is still time for the new writers to
address this
The crisis panel was seen by the interim government as
necessary to
prevent problems during a transition to full
The body could take
over legislative powers if a national
crisis emerged.
News,Politics,Bangkok Post, 18 September
In my viewpoint,all politicians should not
appointed to
the NRSA because they have conflict of interest.
If they are appointed to the NRSA,they
should be banned for
the next election.
For the point of crisis panel as it is a
controversial point
the NRSA should think twice whether to push
it into
the new draft charter or not.
Sincerely Yours.