วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2559

Eight-term limits needed on MPs ,CDC told


The CDC has designed a system where a person can serve

 as prime minister more than once but the amount of time

he or she has been in the post must not exceed a combined

eight years.

Under the charter drafted by the CDC,the time a person

serve as prime minister will be limited to a maximum of

eight years,regardless of how many times he or she has been

in the post.

After that ,he or she cannot serve as prime minister.


News,Politics,Bangkok Post, 15 February 2016.

In my opinion, I agree with this restriction on term limit

for prime minister for eight years regardless of how many

times he or she has been in the post and I think it this term

should set for MPs also.


This term limit will prevent the power to remain in the

same hand for too long and will provide the opportunity

for the new good politicians to enter into political field.


Also it will help change political climate in Thailand which

old politicians can dominate the country for a long time.


Sincerely Yours.



