วันจันทร์ที่ 20 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

Do not fall in the trap of statistic!!

On April 17,Prime Minister Prayut  Chan-o-cha  presented

the outcome of 6 months of the cabinet.The Premier said

 that government administration will divide into 3 steps.

1.Reform the country.

2.Solve the overlap problem in short run and long run.

3.Solve the conflict in the society so that the country

can develop to the future.

The Prayut government  is different from former

 government in using the law strictly ,following roadmap

and does not want to stay in the position.Everything

depend on situation,if the draft constitution can pass

without conflict ,the election can be hold promptly.


In reforming country ,some country use 30-40 years

to success but now in Thailand we only at the beginning
and it is very lucky the foreign country understand.


If we follow the poll,Thai citizens are satify with government

from solving political conflicts.But the problem of this

 government  is that people earn one living due to the slow

growth of internal and world economic.


In the viewpoint for economic outcome ,the government

try to spend expenditure from government sector,stimulate

private investment  meanwhile they should solve export area

and the low price of agricultural goods.and there are sign of

economic recovery.


From economic statistic of the government we found that

the economic recovery  is in the macro economic,

but for micro economic,the problem of the poor can not

solve yet.There are still unfair income distribution with

causes social inequalities . If we can not solve this problem

the problem will still remain in Thai society which will

lead to many problems that ruin our country.So if we

 want a better economic,we should solve from micro

 economic also by solving the unfair income

 distribution first.


Hope for better economic that everyone can live happy life.

