วันพุธที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

Draft NBTC : Strength and Weakness

The draft NBTC bill will be submitted to the National

 Legislative Assembly (NLA) in May.Before NLA

endorsement,the Council of State will hold a public

hearing on the new draft NBTC.


NBTC was set up by Act on Organization to Assign

Radio Frequency and to Regulate the Broadcasting

and Telecommunication Service 2010,which is the second

Act of the same name in 2000.New draft NBTC is the

 third act modified from the act in 2010 which main issues

that are :

1.The authority of NBTC is a little adjust by

1.1 Adding that model scheme of NBTC must be

 in accordance with the digital economy committee’s policy.

1.2 Cut down the authority to coordinate management of

spectra for telecommunication inbound and outbound.

1.3 Change the authority from judge and correct the problem

of spectra for telecommunication to “provide data and

information to the  digital economy committee .

2.Restructure to only one bourd,so the board of NBTC

can handle every case.

3.The new draft bill stipulated that :

3.1 Allocation of spectra for telecommunication must be by

auction only why the existing act also allows the allocation

of spectrum through the beauty contest method.

3.2 Provide sufficient spectra for telecommunications to the

unit of government while the existing act only say that

provide the benefit to overall business activity relate.

4.Cancel the btfp.nbtc.go.th and provide Economic and Social

Digital Fund which the different are

4.1 The new fund can provide loan to government and

business sector relate to the digital development.

4.2 The new fund will be under the Digital Ministry

instead of the NBTC.

5.Revenue from the new fund will devide 50 per cent

to the Economic and Social Digital Fund and another

50 per cent to public revenue.

6.The maximum number of NBTC will be reduce from

11 to 7 persons which select from various sector such as

broadcasting,telecommunications,engineering,law and

consumer groups.

7.Under the draft,the NBTC could still take responsibility

for issuing telecom and broadcasting licences as well as

regulating radio station,broadcasting and telecommunications.

But some contentious issues must be ironed out before the draft

can be submitted to the digital economy committee for final


More important ,the NBTC would be given the authority to

control frequency interference efficiently.


In my viewpoint,because of the unefficientcy of the NBCT

so the government want to reform it,but if they can operate

effectively, I think independent entity can be more flexible

and rapidly management.The efficiency and effectiveness

depend on quanlity and spirit of the committee including

clear statement of authority the committee have.


Under the present situation there are no choice to avoid

restructuring the organization.

Strength of the draft NBTC

1.Restructure to only one board with the maximum number

of NBTC about 7 persons will make everyone in the board

study the same case to make dicision,which is better than

make decision in each board and send to the NBTC board.

Because in the past each board does not give precedence

to the case of another board.If the new member of the

NBTC all together make the dicision for country benefit,

the conflict of interest will be least and the unity

 will be more.

2.Setting the economic and social digital fund which can

provide loan and send 50 per cnet of the revenue to the

public revenue are the strength because loan can stimulate

more investment and public revenue can provide the benefit

to the country.


Weakness of the draft NBTC

Allocation of spectra for telecommunications by auction

can lead to easily providing benefit to ralate or specific

group and the corruption.

In conclude we must get rid of the weakness of the draft

NBTC before the NLA endorsement is made.


Best Wish.

