วันเสาร์ที่ 18 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

The CDC : Private sector to anti corruption!!

Collective Action Coalition of the Private Sector Againt

Corruption (CAC) is the coorperation of private sector in

Thailand to eliminate the corruption which compose of

8 organization.

1.The Thai Chamber of Commerce.

2.The Federation of Thai Industries.

3.The Thai Bangers Association.

4.The Foreign Chamber of Commerce.

5.Thai Listed Companies Association.

6.The Federal of Thai Capital Market.

7.Tourism Council of Thailand.

8.Thai Institute of Directors.(IOD)


To achieve the goal the anti-corruption must begin in every
 organization and every sector of the society.

As culture,Corporate  Social Responsibility (CSR) in the private

sector only do for conceal feeling the guilty in doing business,

but still avoid paying tax,pay bribe to politicians and civil servants.

There are 499 corporation join the CAC which 2 missions

1.Announce the policy to anti corruption.

2.Provide standard about doing transparency business which can

investigate with the government sector.


The aim of the CDC is to expand the transparency in business

to partner company and affiliate company.


In my viewpoint,the cooperation in CAC is good situation to

solve the corruption problem but before the participation,

each company  should set a standard for anti corruption

in each company to achieve before ,so that they might

not have conflict of interest when they join together.

Due to many cooperation join  ,the clear vision of the

CAC must be set together with the guide line of the

ethic and morality among others will lead every

cooperation to success.


The major problem in the corruption process is to buy

advantage  for the company which cause

 uncompetitiveness in the business and this is the important

point that must be eliminate from running business together

so that the environment will provide competitiveness situation

and will lead to least corrupton.

The coorperation of member of CAC including the

 improvement of the rule and process of government sector

will provide a good climate of competitiveness and a better



Hope for zero corruption.

