วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 16 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

The NLA :The Demotion :The Act


The demotion of Yingluck Shinawatra from prime minister

is an excellent work of the National Legislstive Assembly

(NLA) .Another  demotion is about the president of the

 senator Mr Somsak Kiertsuranan and Mr Nikom

Waiyaratpanich ,the demotion of 38 senators in case of

modify the procedure of getting the senators.The result is

not unanimous vote so the three case was drop and no one

is demotion from the position.

There will be cases to be scrutinized on  April 23  2 cases

which is :

1.The demotion of 250 ex senators in case of modify the draft


2.The demotion of 5 ex- ministers in case of corruption in

rice pledging scheme.

My thought about the past case with is not unamimuos vote,

I feel very disappointed because the score is nearly,if the

number of  the NLA has unity ,I think the demotion could

exercised  and there will be one of the beginning case though

the clean political climate.

So which the case that will be scrutinize, I hope if the guilty

is clear in accordant with the unity in the NLA ,the demotion

can exercise so that we can see the good justice and efficiency

of the NLA.


Despite the case of demotion ,the NLA have important

authority to pass the act to be ruled.During eight months,

the NLA pass 110 acts .There will be the acts during scrutinize

180 acts which present bt the NCPO 21 acts,the cabinet 80 acts

and by the NLA 6 acts.

With I hope they will past with causion so that their might

not be the loophole for the politicians to corrupt and take

the benefit of the country to their own.


Hope for best judgemnet and the unity of the NLA.


